Christmas Angel Project and the Food Baskets Thank You
Sincere thanks to those who selected an angel and bought gifts for
that child. There were 51 children made very happy from this activity.
Special thanks to Janet Hinds for her leadership.
Sincere thanks to those who contributed money for the food baskets.
Because you were so generous we were able to buy many, many items.
Sharon Radl did the bulk of the shopping at Foys and she convinced the
manager to give us many items at cost. Ken Ludwigsen, Rick Radl, Ron
and Carole Funk helped with the packing.
Eleven families got food delivered to their door. Each family got a
large tub, shopping bag, and a heavy Girl Scout bag…..all filled
with food.
Sincere thanks to the drivers. Your efforts made a lot of people
Vera Ludwigsen